Thursday, April 30, 2009

p2 unverified letter from the above author -

Bush-Nazi Link Author Death Threats

Letter from John Buchanan... Buchanan has received hundreds of credible death threats and is now living under 24-hour police protection.
Letter from John Buchanan
Author of Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed
Now living under 24-hour police protection after hundreds of credible death threats
TO: Jonathan Salant, Associated Press
CC: Sandy Johnson, Joe Magruder, Associated Press
As you and your colleagues will see below, has noted editorially that AP "spun" the Bush-Nazi story.
I find it interesting and encouraging that such a reputable and generally impartial Web site would take such a clear stance. It turns out, based on the many e-mails I have been receiving from all over the world -- a group of law students in Kenya, a Pakistani office worker, a scholar in England, fellow journalists here in the US -- that a wide berth of readers and thinkers share that view.
I do as well.
The more I have thought about it, the more troubled I am that, given my still dire circumstances in light of my danger and anxiety, you have not even had the decency to contact me and hear my thoughts and feelings by direct interchange, in private. Therefore, I have chosen to "go public" with this communication in the hope of expediting the process of having you and AP acknowledge the truth -- and your own mis-reporting.
This is a vitally important story, as you will soon see, and it will not die and fade away because you and AP deign it so.
I am aware by cc of some of the e-mails being sent to you in defense of me and the New Hampshire Gazette, as well as truth and accuracy in reporting.
I am therefore challenging you and AP, in public view, to do one of two things, as I can see no other possibility now.
1) Either DISPROVE my reporting in the New Hampshire Gazette, by whatever credible means you can, or
2) CORRECT THE RECORD officially with regard to your inexplicably watered down and factually inaccurate story, as related in my e-mail last weekend and forwarded to Steve Fowle at NHG.
Your worst inaccuracy, however, was your general reduction of the seriousness of the facts by the "only one of seven directors" defense. The Bush family has used that for years. It is NOT TRUE. The facts show that Bush and Harriman ran the day to day operations of UBC and all its clients and related assets, for six more years AFTER THE WAR and involving Switzerland, Panama, Brazil and Argentina, where Thyssen died in 1951.
Your account of Thyssen's war experiences were 100% wrong. You should have asked me or Mr. Loftus as the only true "experts" in the world on this at the moment.
You could have been the third, and done some great and important reporting with regard to this missing history and its clear and present implications.
Instead, you went for a clumsily executed whitewash.
There will be a National Media Town Hall meeting in Washington in November, after my third story appears, which deals explicitly with the 60-year cover-up, including the two months it took to finally end it with Mr. Fowle, the true hero here in my opinion. Instead of quoting Mr. Fowle on an important point about the fading journalism tradition in this country, you quoted an irrelevant observation from a college professor.
Worse, you limited your entire story to just one seizure (UBC in October 1942) when there were 22 more between 1942 (prior to UBC) and 1951.
How could you not have reported that?
Mr. Fowle and I and my supporters were concerned you would "scoop" us with our differing news cycles and beat us to the never before reported stuff I have in this Friday's NHG. To not have done so runs counter to any reporter's killer instincts on a big story.
I trust that in due time, you will explain your reasoning on this or that someone will on AP's behalf.
I can be reached at (305) 535-9606 if you'd like to talk. Mr. Fowle can be reached at (603) 433-9898.
You might also want to contact John Loftus at
I trust you can understand that this is not personal. It is an issue of vital national interest and given my investment to date in it, I can not turn back until the whole truth and nothing but the truth is out.
I hope to hear from you and get your cooperation in that effort.
Thank you.


The Geocities Site Buchanan refers to. (Basically a reprint of the AP story
plus a LOT more information. Click on NEXT PAGE at the bottom.)

Disinfotainment Today

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